Longtime AAPI community leader recognized
probashnews desk

Albany, NY – Michelle Wang was honored as a Woman of Distinction last night at the State Capitol. Michelle is President of the New York Chapter of Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) and a longtime community leader in New York City’s AAPI community, serving in leadership positions on multiple community organizations and volunteering her time to promote AAPI leadership and increase civic engagement. State Senator John Liu presented her with a plaque in recognition of her service and commitment to the community in a ceremony presided over by Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins.
State Senator John Liu stated, “Michelle Wang has dedicated many years to the civic engagement and empowerment of the Asian American community. From serving on the New York State Electoral College during the 2020 presidential election to her outstanding work in creating educational and career opportunities for AAPI youth, Michelle is always the first in line to be on the front lines. For her inspiring commitment to our community, we offer our sincere gratitude and proudly name her a Woman of Distinction.”
Michelle Wang stated, “I am so honored for this recognition to be named among the state of New York’s Women of Distinction. I have always strived to do everything in my power to strengthen and uplift our community, and this reward serves as an acknowledgement of both the importance of that work and of why it is imperative that our AAPI community continue to get involved. There is always more work to be done, and with this recognition, I commit to working even harder to increase representation and participation so that together we can build a better world that is representative of all voices and communities.”
Read more about Michelle Wang’s biography here.
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